
20 years ago... Nurse.

At 7 a.m. i waked up suddenly and i thought: "I'm a bit stupid". while the rest of my colleagues still sleeps i get dressed and took some cold coffee. In just 3 days we would all be graduates, and; none could tell me nothing. But this day is my first day as nurse.

In my last 6 weeks as a student i made practices in the hemodialysis unit and now i go to take care 3 patients on the morning round.
It was a recklessness? Even now recent graduates may be assigned to any position in a hospital...but it's not something you can fix today for tomorrow

20 years is nothing tells the tango, but in our proffesion many things have change in these years or i think so...How much will change the nursing in other 20 years? I don't know but i hope stay there to see it.

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