
SalusOne Let's get the combined intelligence working

I've been talking about "collective intelligence" for a long time. I've benefited from it many times and that's why I started to make use of social network ICT tools.

Thanks to this I grow in a fruitful chaos of contacts, interactions and relationships that fill my hours with opportunities and close spaces to apathy. Undoubtedly the niche where this dynamic is best expressed is Salusplay.

And why is that?

That's clear, isn't it?

Inside this great factory of restlessness has fructified SalusOne 

Under the subtitle "Nursing knowledge in the palm of your hand", a set of training and consultation resources is made available to professionals on knowledge that goes beyond PDF texts.

The professional can choose what to learn and set his pace...

It has multiple resources for his consultation like clinical cases, guides of clinical practice, scales and calculators...


But it is the "question" section where this tool shines...

The combination of an artificial intelligence that selects matching answers within a bank of solutions with the support of a large team of experts in various areas related to care provides the user with immediate support for their clinical doubts.

But this development does not end here, because artificial intelligence must continue to be trained so that it knows how to select from "the best available evidence" those that extend the response provided by completing an authentic evidence-based practice cycle by taking the GPC recommendations to clinicians at the right time.

If you want you can get the #SalusOne app here:

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🤖 *Android*:
🍏 *Apple*:

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