
Open letter to Judith Shamian president of ICN

Open letter to @judithshamian president of the International Council of Nursing

Last friday i could hear your conference at the 18th International Nursing Research Conference in Vitoria-Gasteiz (you can see below). It was inspirational for me and most nurses in Spain.

You spoke about leadership and the role of nurses in the places where the health policies occur and has emplaced us to learn and take position on health policies.

But What about universal values within the group? The internal governance of a professional group should reflect the values that this group wants for the society... When i asked you about toxic leaders and illegitimate representatives you replied that there are alternative ways of acting on the points where health policies are generated... but what about democracy?

I don't doubt about your legitimacy as president of ICN but let me wish the same for the leaders of my profession in Spain...

if you can't vote for more than 10 years to elect your representatives...
if you can't ask to know the destination of the funds raised...
if representatives are investigated for corruption or have statements that disable them to be representatives...

How would you call that?

Can you?

Promote a change in organizations representing nurses in the world to make them more democratic and transparent.

Would you?

Fix a number of minimum requirements for representatives of nurses of different nations in the ICN imposing transparency and democracy to the internal organization of these institutions

Please DO¡¡¡

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