
Mind, brain and head of nursing

The nurse's minds are working hard for patients at the same time in wich her arms an legs work everyday at patient bedside. Now The nurse's brain is occupied with some troubles around professional issues like speciality or the future of the national health system but we are headless after some veredict of the supreme court of spain that some will endeavor to ignore leaving us no direction at a crucial time.

Three documents recently released i think are fundamental

IOM "The future of nursing" like the  "to err is human" report, this document marks a before and after in the way that nurses are see in the USA and i think some of statements of these report are perfectly applicable in our environment.

• Reconceptualizing the role of nurses within the context of the entire workforce, the shortage, societal issues, and current and future technology;
• Expanding nursing faculty, increasing the capacity of nursing schools, and redesigning nursing education to assure that it can produce an adequate number of well prepared nurses able to meet current and future health care demands;
• Examining innovative solutions related to care delivery and health professional education by focusing on nursing and the delivery of nursing services; and
• Attracting and retaining well prepared nurses in multiple care settings, including acute, ambulatory, primary care, long term care, community and public health.

SENECA (.PDF complete spanish) the SENECA proyect represents an intelligent aproach to the challenge of patient safety. Inserted in the framework of EFQM quality. It put the nursing at the frontline in the battle for the sustentability of these "our NHS". The mind of Nurses works flying like 'safety angels' of her patients becoming the last barrier between risk and damage. Now we have an tool to improve systematics barriers in a integral approach.

and THE VEREDICT  that beheads us... or it seems.

2 comentarios:

  1. Muy interesante el tema y el enlace a documentos.

    Muchas gracias.

  2. Muy interesante el tema y el enlace a documentos.

    Muchas gracias.


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