This post is not about ethnicity and politics, is about COMMUNICATION.
Today is galician language day and i remembered a recent conference of Dr Flores Martos about interculturality in healthcare.
I'm not ethnographer (and is evident i'm not english language graduate) but i know that culture is a little word to define ALL the activities of the humans relations.
In this context language; the code of communication "says" many things and may be fundamental for a complete therapeutic communication. I don't know if in Canada or New zeland, wales, scotland or ireland nurses don't speak with her patients in french, maorí, celtic... but i know they must to do efforts for ensure the communication.
Can galician nurses ensure that your communication "reaches"? I know that in some cases NOT. Languages are an instrument for communication not for the imposition of a cultural model is not necessary to spoke every time "the language of the others" but; what happen when is necessary to ensure therapeutical communication? You know darling i'm spoken about you and your phrase "they understand me, and if not; they can ask her family"...
I write this post in english because i know that you may understand it but can this ensure that you comprehend it?
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